
Exploring Financial Literacy on the Run

Classroom Activities

What Students & Teachers are Saying

What Students and Teachers are Saying

Why is Financial Literacy Important?

Student: Tanner
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

Mom: To understand money matters and how to save, invest, not spend.

Grandma: To live within financial means by that knowing the cost of living in a house and the income.

Student: Holly
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

I asked my dad "Why do you think financial literacy is important?" His answer was that it is important because then you can understand what your budget is and that you don't waist money and go into debt.

Student: Alex
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

I asked my dad "Why is Financial Literacy important to you?" He said: "Because our society is based on money and finances. Therefore to live a good life in this society we need to understand how finances work. We need to understand to manage our income and spend wisely so that we can eat and have a roof over our heads."

I also asked my mom and she said "Because as I get older I need to prepare for my future because one day I may not be able to work, and I will need money to support myself. With the government situation and CPP possibly being eliminated I may need to become financially dependent on my savings. My children as they age are still dependent on me. My oldest son at age 26 decided to get married, but couldn't afford to pay for his wedding, so we had to pay for it. With 2 other kids approaching post secondary education we will have to responsible to pay for their living education and school expenses. Financial literacy is important to me because I have worked hard my whole life and I would like to enjoy my retirement years." I also agree with this and really appreciate that my parents would care for me and pay for my school, food and most of all work hard for me. Thinking about all of this would make me want to pay back all the money they have gave me, but obviously I cant well, because I'm just 11 if I could I would most definitely.

Student: Danica
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

I asked my dad, grandma and nana why they thought financial literacy was important. Their answers were:

My Dad's answer: "It is important because if you save money, you have it for a rainy day, like if you have an unexpected emergency or you need it for any other expenses such a college, and it also make it so you can retire one and not work until you die."

My Grandma's answer: "I think it's important for thinking ahead for the future and to understand it, as that's how the world works with banking, money and government."

My Nana's answer: "It is important because you need to look after your own house hold finances even if you don't run a business. If you understand how to manage your mortgage, to budget the rest of your expenses, you will have money to save even if you don't make very much money."

To me financial literacy is important because someday I will have to buy a car, pay for college or university, and buy a house. It is important for my future.

As you can tell, all of our answers are different, but they each have something in common, it's about the future!

Student: Marco
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

I think financial literacy is important because it helps young kids to know how money works so it wont be so hard when they grow up. Also then kids would know how to earn money and manage money. Then kids will also know how to invest money so they can get more. So financial literacy is important because it is knowledge to young kids and it will also give young kids skills.

Student: Jasmeen
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

The question was "Why do you think financial literacy is important?"
I asked both of my aunts. They both told me yes because if you know how to save money it will help survive better and if an emergency (trip, hospital) comes in you way you will have the money. Also if you don't know how to save money or control your budget you won't have any extra money.

Student: Kyle
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

I think financial literacy is important because it teaches kids about money and budgeting!

Student: Simrat
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

For the financial literacy challenge I asked my mom, brother, dad, and grandma. Financial Literacy is important because it helps you for your education or to get a good home. Also because financial literacy helps you invest in your future. If you"re financially literate it means you make good decisions about your future. So financial literacy is important because it prepares you for your future.

Student: Jasmanpreet
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

For my financial literacy challenge these are the answers that I got:
My 16-year-old sister said that it"s important because it gives you an idea of how much you earn and how much you are able to spend. My mom who is 40 years old said that because it saves a lot of money that you could then use for vacations or other stuff. And my sister's friend who is also 16 said that because it gives you a limit to how much money you can spend so that you don't go overboard and spend way too much and go in debt.

Student: Jessica
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

Financial Literacy to mom (age 41) means knowing the value of your worth, spending wisely, wants verses needs
,and being plugged into the needs of others, donations, etc. To my dad (age 46) It means knowing currency rates, mortgage rates, and stock exchange. My sister (age 19) said I don't know! I guess it means how much I am getting paid an hour and how much they are taking off my check for tax! At the end of the month how much is in my account and how much am I paying in service charges. I tried to ask my grandma but she didn't call back.

Student: Kaiya
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

Hi, my name is Kaiya and here are some answers from the question "Why do you think financial literacy is important?" Here is an answer from my Dad "because it is important to make a good financial decision." From Mr. Rowland, "being able to navigate your finances". Last, from Danica "it is important for our future to save for a house, college and more." That is all I have from my interview from those people!!!

Student: Emma
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

For this project I asked my mother and my granny why "Financial Literacy" is important. Here was my grandmothers opinion: "I thinks its important because you need to be financially literate to know if the things you are being offered are really a good deal, or if there are hidden costs. Also in the saving department is the offer that you are being given to good to be true? Is it from a legitimate business? If you are being offered two legitimate investment opportunities which one is best for me, not for everyone, but me unparticular? If you aren't financially literate you may not make the best decision." My Moms opinion: "You need to be financially literate to supply your basic needs. You need to be able to supply housing, heating, clothing, and food. If you save your money you can have leftovers for things like going to a movie or going out for dinner. Maybe you want to purchase something big? You have to save up for something like that. You must have financial literacy to provide for your family." In conclusion financial literacy has proven to be important to think ahead and make proper decisions. If you don't save your money you won't have enough money to pay the bills or go to university. It"s important to plan your financial strategy so you and your future generations will be financially set.

Student: Mason
Teacher: Dean Rowland
School: Osoyoos Elementary

Hi my name is Mason and I am in Mr.Rowland's class and this is what my parents said about financial literacy. It means a good understanding of your money, having enough money in you bank account each month, it cover your monthly expenses such as buying groceries, paying your electricity bill, to pay your rent or mortgage, and knowing how much is in your bank account.

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