Fundraising is about building relationships as well as raising money. With a good fundraising program your organization will also enjoy:
- Increased visibility
- A stronger sense of organizational identity
- Better relations among your group and with the community you serve.
1. Jump In:
- Start with a clear idea of why you are fundraising and for whom, set a clear financial goal and pick a date for the event(s).
- Select a team and create sub-committees to help coordinate efforts. Approach people who will have time to devote to project.
- Organize weekly/monthly meetings. Have an agenda!
- Advise administration and school/board councils. Go through appropriate channels.
2. Get Excited With Ideas & Plan, Plan, Plan!
- Brain storm ideas and pick out the ones that are most appropriate in the time frame that you have. Get an idea about what has worked for other fundraisers.
- Plan key responsibilities. Establish priorities.
- Make an organizational chart for tasks and when they will need to be fulfilled. Review timetable conflicts.
- Keep communication lines open ie: who reports to whom?
- Create a fundraising letter. This will be important!
- Consider budget, security, first aid, permits, contracts, weather...
- Recruit staff and students.
3. Develop Event
- Raffles, donations, dances, entertainment, sporting events, bake sales...
4. Market Event
- Create a promotional team.
- Advertise, media involvement, ticket sales, web sites...
5. Run Event
- Consider set up, inspections, be ready to make decisions!
6. Measure Event
- Collect receipts, keep records, clean up
6. Assess Event
- Take inventory, evaluation report, committee close-out meeting
Celebrate Success!!