Over the course of Expedition Bolivia, i2P Education will be posting Student Exercises. These are Chemistry related exercises that students and teachers can engage in, and relate back to a fundamental principle or point of interest about chemistry.
Check back every Monday and Thursday for a new student exercise.
Exercise 1:
Students can follow the expedition and track the altitude that the members are exposed to. Using the calculators and steps provided on the site, students will be able to calculate the PO2 in the air where the expedition is taking place and then predict the levels of oxygen in our blood. We will post the real data so that students can check their predictions against our real data.
Web resource: PO2
See: Module 5
Exercise 2:
Calculate the partial pressure of O2 at your school by inserting the elevation where you live in the following calculator.
See: altitude
See: Module 5
Exercise 3:
Boil water in your classroom and carefully measure the boiling temperature. What is the elevation of your community in meters? Compare your results to those noted on the expedition graph. What does this tell you about the atmospheric pressure where you live?
See: Module 5
Exercise 4:
Students can take their heart rates at rest, during light exercise (walking in place or
around a track) and during more intense exercise like running. Students can compare themselves to each other and draw their own heart rate response on a graph (X-axis = intensity, Y-axis = heart rate)
See: Module 5
Exercise 5:
Students can weigh themselves before and after 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise (like a soccer game or jumping rope for example). This will show how much body mass is lost with sweat when we exercise.
See: Module 5