Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, the first BLM Monument, spans nearly 1.9 million acres of America's public lands. From its spectacular Grand Staircase of cliffs and terraces, across the rugged Kaiparowits Plateau, to the wonders of the Escalante River Canyons, the Monument's size, resources, and remote character provide extraordinary opportunities for geologists, paleontologists, archeologists, historians, and biologists in scientific research, education, and exploration.
National Conservation Lands
The Bureau of Land Management's National Conservation Lands, also known as the National Landscape Conservation System, contain some of the West's most spectacular landscapes. They include more than 887 federally recognized areas and approximately 27 million acres of National Monuments, National Conservation Areas, Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, National Scenic and Historic Trails, and Conservation Lands of the California Desert.
Natural History Museum of Utah
The Natural History Museum of Utah seeks to:
- Foster an understanding of science as a journey of discovery and wonder.
- Promote the preservation of biological and cultural diversity.
- Preserve collections in trust for future generations.
- Encourage new perspectives on and inspire passion for the natural world.
- Celebrate Utah's native peoples and cultures.
- Showcase Utah's unique and extraordinary environments.
- Create knowledge through innovative research.
- Demonstrate the myriad links connecting the past, present and future.
- Transcend scientific disciplines to reveal the networks inherent in nature.
- Serve as center for science literacy, acting as a bridge between the scientific community and the public.
- Empower people to make thoughtful decisions about the future.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
The Denver Museum of Nature & Science inspires curiosity and excites minds of all ages through scientific discovery and the presentation and preservation of the world's unique treasures as well as aspires to create a community of critical thinkers who understand the lessons of the past and act as responsible stewards of the future.
BLM Paleontology
More kinds of fossils can be found on BLM-managed public lands than lands under any other Federal or State agency's control. All Americans share in this unique natural legacy. Fossils, the remains and traces of once-living organisms, tell us of our past and may have important lessons for our future.
BLM Archaeology
The America's Great Outdoors Initiative was established by President Barack Obama in April 2010 to work with the American people to develop a conservation and recreation agenda that makes sense for the 21st century: to achieve lasting conservation of the outdoor spaces that power our nation's economy, shape our culture, and build our outdoor traditions. This initiative seeks to reinvigorate our approach to conservation and reconnect Americans, especially young people, with the lands and waters that are used for farming and ranching, hunting and fishing, and for families to spend quality time together.
BLM Youth Initiatives
BLM's youth initiatives feature a variety of programs that engage, educate, and inspire America's youth. Focusing on youth from early childhood through young adulthood, BLM youth programs build on the spark of childhood wonder about the natural world, sustain interest through hands-on education and volunteer experiences during the school-age years, and develop into long-term engagement and stewardship, as well as pursuit of natural resource careers.
Take it Outside
Take It Outside is BLM's flagship youth engagement program. It was established to help ensure that young people from all backgrounds have access to outdoor recreational opportunities on public lands while fostering future generations of public land stewards. Stressing health, family, fun, and stewardship, Take It Outside provides opportunities for young people to engage in outdoor recreation, non-formal education, and volunteer projects.